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Building a collaborative network of investors in emerging markets healthcare to facilitate deal origination

Building a community where expertise and interest areas are transparent so that people know who to contact for subject matter expertise or to discuss co-investment opportunities.

Holding forums where members can interact, both virtually and in person, and get to know each other, build trusting relationships, and have spaces to ask each other detailed questions.



Sharing knowledge towards unlocking portfolio impact, and expanding views on sectors and markets

Supporting deal origination by expanding members’ sense of what is possible, for example by having frontier-pushing conversations with experts and knowledge partners.

Sharing investor case studies on unlocking portfolio value, including both success stories and potential pitfalls, through a channel where members can follow up in detail.



Creating joint perspectives and leading initiatives towards sector development

Identifying core challenges and the role the private sector can play in addressing them, such as how to approach the issue of increasing affordability in Emerging Markets, and who needs to be engaged to overcome obstacles.

Teaming up with a knowledge partner to codify and publish perspectives on critical topics, such as a perspective on the role of private sector in achieving Universal Health Coverage, or how best to deploy the funding products available in emerging markets healthcare.

Opening up possibilities for a broad range of future activities that could advance the development of inclusive healthcare systems, such as advocacy efforts or co-investment opportunities.